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Be gentle with yourself on bad days

It’s perfectly normal to have a bad day. We all do, at some point or another. It is important to remember that it’s OK for you to have a bad day. If you’ve had one, these tips can help you have better days in the future:

Be kind to yourself.

This should be your top priority. Take time to do things that make you feel happy, comfortable and calm. Take time to do things you enjoy, like reading a book or taking a bath with your favorite bath products. Take time to do things you love, like going bowling or hiking through your favorite park. And take time to do things that make you feel good—whether it’s spending an entire day watching old episodes of The Office or getting lost in the pages of one of your favorite books (or both!).

Don’t take a bad mood out on others.

The easiest and most important way to be kind to yourself is by not taking your bad mood out on others. Don’t be mean, don’t be rude, don’t be angry at others.

Don’t take it out on other people just because you are having a bad day. Don’t blame them for anything or become angry with them because they aren’t changing the way you want them to change. This could lead you down a dangerous road of self-loathing where we start seeing everyone as being against us and having the goal of hurting us in some way, even though this is often not true at all!

If someone does something wrong (like cutting you off while driving), don’t immediately assume they did it intentionally! And if someone does something good for you, like offer directions or help getting your groceries into the apartment building from their car—don’t let it go unappreciated by saying “thank you”, or even just smiling back in gratitude!

Talk to a person you trust, who you know will not judge you.

Talking to someone you trust is a great way to get through a bad day.

It can be hard to talk about your bad days with friends and family members, because they may not understand what you’re going through or they might judge you for feeling that way. While it’s important to have those people in your life who will support you no matter what and listen when you need them, sometimes an outside perspective can help. This could be someone who knows how hard it is for you to talk about things and won’t judge you—or even if this person doesn’t know much about mental health, as long as they are open-minded enough to listen without judgment and offer some advice from their own life experiences that may apply in yours too.

You might feel nervous about reaching out at first because there are still so many negative stereotypes surrounding mental illness (like the idea that “crazy” people shouldn’t be trusted). But remember: when we’re talking about how we feel during our bad days, we’re being vulnerable and brave—and those are qualities worth celebrating!

Think about things that make you happy.

When you’re feeling down, it can be hard to remember the things that make you happy. Here are some ideas:

  • Think about things that make you feel happy.
  • Think about things that you enjoy doing.
  • Think about things that make you feel good about yourself.
  • Think about things that make you feel relaxed.
  • Think about things that make you feel safe.
  • Think about the people in your life who care for and support you, even when they don’t have to and even when it’s not their job to do so (and especially if they do have a job like this).

Show someone how much you love them.

If you’re not feeling your best, showing someone how much you love them is an easy way to boost your mood. It can be as simple as telling them how much you care about them or giving them a hug. If you’re feeling really bad, try doing something nice for that special person in your life or give them a gift. Who doesn’t like receiving gifts?

When you’re having a bad day, it can be difficult to see the positive aspects of your life. When this happens, think about what you can do to help someone else. It’s a good way to take your mind off your own problems and feel better. You’ll also be helping someone else who needs it—and it may make their day better!

If that’s not enough to lift your spirits – Massages are one of the most wonderful things on earth and who doesn’t want one after spending all day at work? Or maybe even better than massages are those days where someone just comes over and gives me a back rub out of nowhere (and I’m not talking about my mom). Those days are definitely some of my favorites!

Another option if none of these options seem appealing is simply telling someone how important they are to you by writing down why this person means so much in your life. This could also be done in written form but sometimes verbalizing our feelings makes us feel better too!

Do some exercise, it’ll make you feel great!

Have you ever felt that a good workout can help to make you feel better? The science says it’s true. Exercise is proven to improve mood, sleep and thinking clarity, productivity and confidence. And it’s not just the physical health benefits that matter; exercise also brings a host of psychological benefits like feeling less anxious and more relaxed.

So what are you waiting for? Grab your sneakers and get moving!

Distract yourself or do something relaxing or fun to take your mind off the bad day.

  • Get away from the situation: If you can, take a break and go out to lunch with a friend or family member.
  • Distract yourself: Watch a movie, read a book, listen to music or do something fun that takes your mind off the bad day.
  • Do something relaxing or fun: Go for a walk in nature; practice yoga; paint; make art; clean out your closet–anything that brings you joy and helps you relax will do the trick!

Remember that everything and everyone has good days and bad days, it’s OK to have both, and they will pass.

Everything and everyone has good days and bad days. And it’s OK to have both of them, but they will pass. You just need to remember that your value as a person is not defined by how well you’re doing at any given moment in time. The fact that you are making an effort to be kinder with yourself on bad days is already a victory!

Don’t worry about beating yourself up if it doesn’t work out perfectly: there’s nothing wrong with choosing not to shower today (or tomorrow), or ordering takeout for lunch instead of leaving the house. Give yourself permission to take care of yourself however works best for you right now, even if it means skipping some things that usually bring you joy or relaxation during this difficult time in your life.

It’s everybody’s right to have a bad day once in a while

It’s OK to be upset, it’s OK to feel angry and it’s even OK to be tired. How long your bad day lasts is up to you. Some people can deal with a few hours of feeling like this, while others will have a couple of days of feeling out of sorts or negative. There’s no right way or wrong way – it just depends on the person and their ability (or inability) to cope with negative emotions.

If you’re having a tough time handling your emotions and need some help finding ways to deal with them, consider reaching out for support from friends or family members who can help by listening and validating how hard things are right now — even if they’re not as bad as they seem in hindsight!

The Takeaway

We hope that these tips were helpful to you, and we wish you all the best in your quest for happiness. Don’t forget: even though it may seem like everyone else has a perfect life (especially on social media!), most people are just trying their best and don’t always succeed. So don’t feel bad about having bad days—they’re normal! And when things get tough, remember that there are plenty of ways to make yourself feel better. You’ll be back to your old self in no time if you take care of yourself today by practicing some self-care techniques or reaching out for help from someone who cares about you

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