Should Religion Have a Place in Government?
The government is encroaching on the rights of women and people of differing faith. Women are not allowed to make their own decisions about their bodies, and religion has become a weapon used by some politicians against others.
The government passed several laws in the past few years that are viewed as discriminatory towards people of faith, especially women.
There was outrage, rightfully so, when the Supreme Court ruled that pharmacists could refuse to dispense contraception and other medications on moral grounds. Later, the federal government passed a law allowing businesses to deny services for same-sex weddings if it conflicts with their religious beliefs. But these laws aren’t just discriminatory against women: they also discriminate against people of faith!
These bills are an attack on women and a separation from those who practice their faith freely. It is our government’s duty to ensure that everyone has access to affordable health care, whether they’re employed or not, and that includes contraception and abortion services.
It is also our government’s duty to protect the rights of individuals in this country against oppression based on race, gender or any other classification. We must show compassion for the most vulnerable among us—pregnant women—and help them make decisions about their own bodies without interference from elected officials or religious leaders.
Women have the right to be in charge of their own bodies, not the government.
Women have the right to be in charge of their own bodies. It’s a simple concept, but one that is often forgotten in the political realm. Women shouldn’t have to rely on government officials to make decisions for them when it comes to their health and well-being.
Women should be able to choose what they do with their bodies and make decisions about their own lives without having someone else intervene or dictate how they should live their lives. They deserve autonomy over their own bodies, which means that if a woman wants an abortion or wants to carry her pregnancy through term, she should be able to do so without any interference from politicians who don’t share her beliefs or values regarding her body and its functions.
Religion should NOT have a place in what women can and cannot do with their bodies.
Women have the right to choose if they want to be religious or not, but they also have the right to birth control and abortions. This means that if a woman chooses to use birth control, she should be able to get it without being harassed by religion coming into play. The same goes for abortion; if someone chooses this option, then religion does not need to intervene and tell them what they are doing is wrong.
What is best for one woman, may not be the same for another. Read more on this here.
The same goes for whether or not you convert from one religion into another; whatever your decision may be on this matter is up to you alone!
Women who require birth control for reasons other than birth control often must jump through hoops in order to get it.
There are many reasons why women who are not trying to get pregnant may need birth control. For example, it’s common for women with endometriosis to take birth control pills in order to manage their pain and avoid more invasive treatments. Many women also use hormonal contraception as part of an overall regimen of treatment for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS).
The government should not have access to your health records without your permission.
This is a common sense rule. Why would you want anyone but a doctor to see what’s in your medical record? The health industry is already full of unnecessary bureaucracy and high costs, so why add more rules by letting the government into it? It could only make things worse. If there’s no need for the government to get involved in our medical records, why do it at all?
The belief that all life is precious is nothing more than an excuse for people to discriminate against others’ rights to choose.
The belief that all life is precious is NOT a reason to deny women access to contraception.
The belief that all life is precious is NOT a reason to deny women access to abortion.
America’s government has always included religion in political decisions, and denying that is a lie.
Yet, America is supposed to be a nation where all people could practice their beliefs freely, even if those beliefs conflicted with others’ religious views. A government that barefacedly puts one religion before all others would be a government that was less free and less tolerant.
Religious practices belong on your own time and in your own way, not forced on you by the government. Religion is a personal choice. It should not be forced upon the citizenry by its government.
We believe that religion has no place in politics. Religious freedom is important and should be protected, but the government should not interfere with women’s rights or punish them because they have different beliefs than those who create legislation.